Saturday, 16 August 2014

Liebster Awards

I would like to say thank you to the beautiful Ellen over at Floral Beauty, for my first ever Liebster Award Nomination! 

The rules are:

You must answer all 11 questions which were given to you by your nominated person.

You must include a link back to who nominated you.

You must nominate  6 - 11 bloggers (with less than 200 followers) and give them 11 questions of your own.

You cannot nominate the person who nominated you.

You must let the bloggers who you have nominated know and give them a link to your post to learn about it.

The questions I was asked are:

1. Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging because at the time I started I loved reading beauty and fashion blogs because I found them so helpful to me considering I was quite young at the time. As I got a little bit older I loved writing my own stuff and one day I decided to post it online!

2. Favourite Makeup Look?
My favourite make up look would have to be between a natural skin and heavy eye look, or natural skin and a bold lip. I love make up looks that make you feel confident and stand out from other people.

3. Favourite song at the minute?
At the moment my favourite song would have to be a song by Heroes For Hire called Secrets,Lies and Sins. I discovered this while I was on Holiday in Ibiza last week, just a warning it is quite pop punk(ish). But I would still recommend it to anyone never the less!

4. A place you really want to visit?
Abroad I would really love to visit either America or Australia, my main reasoning for this is that there everyday culture is so different from mine and I find it interesting. But a bit closer to home I would love to visit either Wales or Scotland, just because they are relatively close and I have just never got the chance to go.

5. Would you ever think about starting YouTube, if you haven't already?
For me personally no I wouldn't, this is just for the fact that I procrastinate ALOT and I don't like the idea of committing to another thing that I wouldn't finish/always have time to do.

6. Favourite clothing store?
Either Forever 21 (depending on the season) or Urban Outfitters (but usually always sale items).

7. Favourite actor/actress?
My favourite actor is Theo James and my favourite actress has to be Lily Collins. 

8. Favourite season?
My favourite season has to be Autumn, mainly for the fact that I am a Autumnal baby so I feel like it kind of has to be my favourite season. But also because I love the weather because I love wearing hoodies and jeans but I love being outside at the same time and I feel like Autumn has the perfect weather for that.

9. What trend are you most looking forward to this autumn/winter?
Defiantly being able to start laying my items of clothing again, I love wearing my leather jacket and jumpers but it has been way to hot in England at the moment to do that surprisingly. 
10. Favourite skincare brand?
Over the past few months the brand that has cleared up my skin the most has been The Body Shop and more in particular their Tea Tree line. Their cleanser, foaming face wash and primer has really helped me to manage my skin and get it looking in a better condition.

11. Who is your idol and why?
My idol is a girl called Tay Jardine she is the lead singer of one of my favourite bands We Are The In Crowd. There isn't really one main reason that she is my idol apart from the fact that I think she is so talented at what she does, and in the music scene that she is in, which mostly males she still stands out. As well as that I got the chance to meet her at a festival that i went to back in May and she just seemed to down to earth and was nice to everyone no matter what they asked of her.

Thank you for asking me those questions it was really fun getting to answer them!

My nominations are:

Jordanne from

Charlotte Lily from

Katriona and Julie from

Plus anyone who wants to answer these questions!
(sorry I tagged the same people I am new to this!)

My Questions:
1. What is your favourite type of music?
2. Best online clothing store you know of?
3. Your favourite book\author?
4.Favourite Instagram account you follow?
5. Best concert you have been too?/Wish you could go to?
6. Best thing you have done this summer?
7. Your favourite post you have done on your blog?
8. What disney character you wanted to be when you where younger and why?
9. Whats your favourite beauty piece in your make up bag?
10. Who's your OTP?
11. If you could swap bodies with ANY person for a day, who would it be and why?

Would love to read your answers when you have completed them! Please tweet me the link!

- Emillie xo

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