Tuesday 27 March 2012

Beauty Bits - Dream nude airfoam

          I haven't done a beauty post in a while so I thought it would be a good time to update my blog.Yesterday after school me and my mum went shopping our main reason for us going shopping was to get me hair dye, but I will talk about that in my next post. We went into boots and I asked my mum info could get some new foundation, so after browsing the selfs for a while I remember something that I read in Company about the new Maybelline dream foam. It had some very good reviews from both readers and their very own make up editor, so I thought it would be the best thing to go for.

- Personally I like the bottle it came in, all the instructions on how to use are on the back.
          I have only used It once so far, but it is very silky to the touch and it not very shiny so you could wear it with out powder if you wanted to. It is very good for covering up spots and blemishes as a teenager I think I am the best person to test if It can cover spots. 

- When you are applying the foam it is best to put it on the back of your hand and apply with a make-up sponge.

I would recommend this to all my readers because it is only around £6 which is very good for make up these days. 

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