Saturday 26 May 2012

Hair Freaks - Messy bun

At school a few people have been asking me how I do my messy bun so I thought I would show you on here (:

1,The one thing I am going to say is, to do a messy bun it is easy and gives a better final product if you have curly/wavy hair to start with, but if you have straight hair you could either curl your hair just before you want to do a messy bun or plat your hair the night before and sleep with it in.

2. You start by getting all the hair from the front and scraping it back on top of your head (scrap your hair to the height you want your bun, I usually have mine on top of my head) Then you start getting hair from back and other side and keep doing it until all your hair is in a messy heap on your head.

3. Get 2 normal hair bands and tie one of them twice around your hair. Then pull out the bun a bit to get it too look messy and out you want then with the other hair band tie it around twice again.


Finished from the back...

and from the front...

Please feel free to send me a picture of your finished buns!! (: 
Love yous (: x

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