Wednesday 6 June 2012

Beauty Bits - imPRESS

Since it is the half term (for everyone that goes to school that is) I thought I would get some fake nails, at the same time I thought I would do a here it is.

Today I went shopping and I wanted to get some fake nails so I thought I would try out what ever was the newest released I went for  imPRESS they are the new peel on, peel off kind of thing on the market they are marketed as the newest and best idea for the easiest way to a fast and perfect set of nails. I wanted to put their branding to the test so I bought one of the sets which was £8.99, I think that is quite a good price for a new product for that price you get: 24 nails with the solution already on the back of each one, a pre-press acetone wipe, a nail file and instructions. They have 36 styles to choose from that includes french manicure, plain colours and patterns. 

I wanted to go for something a little bold and different so i went for glittery leopard print nails.

I liked these because they are a bit different and a bit out there, a bit like me.

When I first saw the packaging I didn't really understand why there was a nail varnish bottle if what you were being were fake nails, but then when I opened the packet I understood and it was really clever, the nail varnish bottle was what all of the other nails where in. I just thought this was very clever and nicer to look at than a plastic box. 

I'm really sorry by the way for the bad pictures this week I had to use my ipod because my camera is a little bit on the broken side...

They were very, very easy to apply, all you have to do is peel of the little bit of clear plastic on the underside of the nail, then all you have to do is place the fake nail on top of your existing nail and keep doing that for all 10 of your nails. For more detailed instructions read the ones you get with the nails.

I am actually really imPRESS'ed (see what I did there) with these nails, so far they are the best nails I have used that don't use glue. I would recommend these to other people and defiantly recommend them to all of my blog viewers.
Anyway I'm off for the night! Love Yous (: xox  

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